Bellville area news, church briefs

Bellville area news, church briefs

Free flights for kids at Lahm Airport on July 6MANSFIELD —The Mansfield Aviation Club (MAC) in conjunction with the Experimental Aircraft Associ...

June 12th, 2019 |  

March 28 edition of Bellville Star will be the final print edition

March 28 edition of Bellville Star will be the final print edition

BELLVILLE -- The March 28 edition of the Bellville Star will be the final print edition. Beginning April 3, Bellville news will appear in the Galio...

March 28th, 2019 updated: March 28th, 2019. |  

Bellville police reports

Bellville police reports

March 11 * Main St.-On the listed date and time, subject came on station to report a theft of her purse. Subject stated, while attending a gatherin...

March 27th, 2019 updated: March 27th, 2019. |  

Veterans Honor Flight fundraiser is March 30 in Bellville

Veterans Honor Flight fundraiser is March 30 in Bellville

BELLVILLE — The Bellville Lions Club and Country Meadows Care Center is having their annual benefit dinner for the Honor Flight Program for our Vete...

March 27th, 2019 updated: March 27th, 2019. |  

Bellville police chief speaks to Bellville Jefferson Township Historical Society

Bellville police chief speaks to Bellville Jefferson Township Historical Society

BELLVILLE — Bellville Police Chief Ron Willey was the March speaker at the Bellville Jefferson Township Historical Society. Ron introduced himself a...

March 27th, 2019 updated: March 27th, 2019. |  

Don’t fall for fake tax bill scam in Richland County

Don’t fall for fake tax bill scam in Richland County

MANSFIELD — Some residents in Richland County are receiving letters that are being generated as part of a scam. Richland County Sheriff Steve Sheldo...

March 27th, 2019 updated: March 27th, 2019. |  

‘Deconstruction’ work has started at Bellville school

‘Deconstruction’ work has started at Bellville school

BELLVILLE – The first bit of the 100 year-old elementary school building in Bellville was taken down Monday. The gym area, to the east of the bui...

March 26th, 2019 updated: March 26th, 2019. |  

Bill to make Ohio’s roads safer receives second hearing

Bill to make Ohio’s roads safer receives second hearing

COLUMBUS — House Bill 106, sponsored by Rep. Gary Scherer (R) and Rep. Michael Sheehy (D), proposes to save lives on Ohio’s roads by providing nov...

March 25th, 2019 updated: March 25th, 2019. |  

Hospice names new medical director

Hospice names new medical director

ASHLAND — Longtime Medina physician Dr. Kenelm McCormick has been named the primary medical director of Hospice of North Central Ohio (HNCO). McC...

March 25th, 2019 updated: March 25th, 2019. |  

Annual tree seedling sale benefits Clear Fork FFA

Annual tree seedling sale benefits Clear Fork FFA

BELLVILLE — Clear Fork Future Farmers of America (FFA) Alumni, in partnership with Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (Richland SWCD), wi...

March 25th, 2019 updated: March 25th, 2019. |