BELLVILLE — The Bellville Neighborhood Outreach Center (BNOC) is hunting for volunteers to help at the Food Pantry and the Clothesline, two operations the group handles.
The group usually has about 24 volunteers who come in to help at the two operations, but with seasons the staffing changes, said Charil Fuhrer of BNOC.
Some people can work mornings, or only afternoons, she said. One worker will be leaving at the end of April because of her change in where she chooses to resident in certain times of the year, Fuhrer said.
People working need no training, Fuhrer said. They get a walk through to see how the place operates, she said. People at BNOC are happy to explain procedures, and let people know about the privacy act the group uses.
The privacy act says that people who use the BNOC services are assured information they may give to volunteers there is kept secret.
“Nothing” is told about anyone, Fuhrer said.
She has been a volunteer at BNOC for four years.
Anyone wishing to come help at BNOC can contact Fuhrer or Carol Hoeflich at the group’s building on Main Street in Bellville. They can also call 419-886-8395.