Autumn means pumpkins, fun in the Valley

BELLVILLE — Fall has officially arrived, and people are anticipating the chance to take advantage of the cooler weather. And everyone is getting an inclination to carve pumpkins and make fall pies.

Farmers around Bellville and Butler have signs out telling visitors to come and browse through their gourds, pumpkins and corn. Pumpkins and other growing things were available last week on Ohio 13 north and south of Bellville. Outside Butler, you could drive a few miles to Perrysville to find a corn maze, hayrides and pumpkins.

Horsetail Run, on Ohio 97 outside Perrysville, is open Friday, Saturday and Sundays this fall. The farm has a website,, which gives out more information. The place has a petting zoo, orchard and berry patch. It is at 829 Ohio 97, and is 20 miles from Mansfield.

If people want to take a longer drive, they can go to Scenic Ridge Farm outside of Jeromesville. It is located off Ohio 30, west of I-71. This farm at, has 84 acres of apple trees, peach treas, acres of pumpkins, strawberries and other fruits. The address is 2031 Ohio 89, Jeromesville. It is 19 miles east of Mansfield.
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