CLEAR FORK VALLEY — An opening has been created on the Clear Fork Valley local school board, with the resignation of Jennifer Stallard.
Her resignation, for personal reasons, is immediate.
She has served four months in the position. She was elected to the board in November.
The board is asking for applications so that the opening can be filled. The deadline for submitting an application is May 11.
Kyle Beveridge, president of the board, said “Mrs. Stallard, in her short time on the board, has been an asset to the children of the Valley. She has been a proponent of grass roots education for years. She will be missed.”
Beveridge also said he is proud to have served with her.
He said “I am sure all the other members would say the same thing.”
The school board operates with five members.
Persons interested in applying for the position can find an application at www.clearfork.k12.oh us or they may pick up a packet at the Clear Fork Valley District offices. They are at 92 Hines Ave. in Bellville.
Applications may be mailed to Beveridge, Board President of Clear Fork Valley Local School District, at the Hines avenue address. Or they can go to by the close of business, 3:30 p.m. May 11.
Eligibility requirements are stated in Ohio Revised Code 3313.11.
An applicant must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, a resident of the State of Ohio for at least 30 days preceding appointment, a resident of the Clear Fork Valley Local School District for at least 30 days preceding the appointment, and registered to vote in the Clear Fork Valley School District for at least 30 days preceding the appointment.
The school board will be reviewing the applications in May. No date has been set for applicant interviews.