BELLVILLE — Youngsters with Easter best clothes in use, handling giant baskets and bags, thronged the area set aside for this year’s Easter egg hunt Friday.
The hunt was held in the park next to the Bellville police station.
Eager hunters, most accompanied by parents, got there early because by 10 a.m. — the starting time — the parking lot was jammed.
See more photos from the egg hunt in our online gallery.
Three areas were set aside for kids of different ages.
Kids could scurry for the plastic eggs, grab them up, and look for a golden egg in each age group.
Areas were set aside for kids up to three years old; another was for children four to seven; the third area, in the skateboard park area, was for youngsters seven and older.
Bellville Mayor Teri Brenkus welcomed everyone, and Philip Crichter, of Country Meadow Care Center, monitored the event. Country Meadow sponsors the egg hunt. Crichter said residents at his facility filled the 2,000 plastic eggs which were placed around the event area.
The three children who had discovered the golden egg took their prizes to the Easter bunny, where pictures could be taken.
Danielle Higgins, 1, was the winner in the youngest age group. Griffin Thrush, 4, won in the mid-age category. Sabree Caudill, 9, won for the oldest age group.
After the event, everyone was invited in to the police station, where people could meet Chief Ron Willey, and the new records clerk, Heather John.
Brenkus told people before the event improvements had been made at the police station, in that John is available in the office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.four days a week.
The multi-colored plastic eggs were filled with candy.
The golden eggs contained $2 plus candy.