McZENA — A lot of things go through your mind when you’re trying to make it through the day.
You make a list of tasks to be done. You know your schedule.
1. Three phone calls put out, none returned.
2. Three stories to do, and no inspiration for the most difficult one: your column.
3. You know you’ve put out effort to engage someone — sometimes you think it is anyone — who can give you that very necessary leg up.
Because you notice fellow travelers (unfortunate term) in your trips to Bellville, you satisfy your urge to try to find out what is really going on with those great big trucks traveling on State Route 30.
The big trucks, some running full and some unloaded, are carrying gigantic pieces of pipe.
The door of the trucks say Pe Ben.
You look up the company. It is located in Houston, TX., and is a major firm hauling fixtures for pipeline construction.
Because along State Route 30 you have seen signs that refer to the Rover Pipeline route, you decide these two phenomena must be connected.
You put in an email to Pe Ben.
Again, no response.
It becomes late on a Friday afternoon and you decide your cup of inspirational thoughts has run dry.
After talking to former Bellville mayor Darrell Banks, a person you view as an icon in the Clear Fork valley, you begin to weigh your options.
I can, indeed, write about being spurned by Pe Ben.
And this, after all the laborious courting.
Could I liken this to the way you remember you felt when you had a serious itch for a guy or two, and they, too, spurned you?
You reject this idea because it is too depressing on a Friday night.
You begin to reflect on the good things in the day.
You spoke to your elder sister, Mary Ann, who is in Florida and worrying a bit about a recent consultation with a doctor.
When you are of a certain age it is predictable that you will start receiving news you don’t want. Those aches and pains? They go with the fact you are on the down side of 70.
My sister told me of her consultation with a doctor several days ago, and I put it out of my mind. I told her to do the same.
I decided today mandated I call her again.
She, ever cheerful, said she will visit the doctor again and try to find out more.
That kind of conversation makes you feel like you can go on.
All this is going on in the season of Easter Sunday. Because today is Good Friday, another sacred day, I looked up information on the web which gives you a little history of this ages old celebration of a resurrection.
The web tells me it is traditional for some to fast on Good Friday.
I was thinking more of finding some scrumptious food I could fix.
For those of you who want to know, meat isn’t usually eaten on Good Friday by persons being scrupulous. Protein can be had in the form of fish.
So, back to finding another option.
Not having come up with a suitable item for my meal selection, I labored over my last work efforts.
And thought again about the good things in the day.
Coming back in to my office after meeting with Darrell Banks (Clear Fork valley icon) I spotted lovely bright purple violets.
Those, I decided, deserved to be photographed.
Though violets grow wild, the truth is they can come up and survive in almost any location.
These lovely babies are my Easter gift to you.