The Stellar Robotics team is heading to Cleveland this weekend for the Buckeye Regional competition.
The Clear Fork Athletic Boosters is now holding their annual mulch sale. Once again the boosters are partnering with Wade Gardens Landscaping on Possum Run Road in Bellville.
The American Red Cross encourages the public to give blood during National Volunteer Month this April and make a difference in the lives of patients in need.
The Richland County Sheriff's Office have confirmed the identity of the body found in Perry Township.
Newark, Ohio—Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) has released the President's List and Honors List for autumn semester 2014.
ASHLAND, Ohio— The following students are members of College Republicans at Ashland University.
KENT, Ohio- Michelle Waugh is a 2015 Kent State University STEMM Scholar and a Choose Ohio First Scholarship recipient.
Maggie Sheridan, fifth grader from Eastern Elementary in Lexington, tied with two other students for second place in the Region 1 Spelling Bee.
The Richland County Sheriff's Office announced today they need your help concerning a missing person. Authorities are looking for a 53 year-old Grove City man whose vehicle was found on March 19 at the corner of State Route 42 and Schmidt Road,...
Several students from the Clear Fork Local School District were recognized Wednesday evening for their talent and creativity. The students had submitted their work in response to a call for art issued earlier this year by
SHELBY — The Ohio 5th District Court of Appeals, based in Canton, heard six cases this morning at NC State's Kehoe Center, 175 Mansfield Ave.
On April 10 and April 11, members of the Clear Fork High School Chapter of the FFA will be holding their annual sale of tree seedlings.
ASHLAND, Ohio— Tiarra Kick of Lexington, Ohio was named to the GLIAC Men's and Women's Indoor Track and Field All-Academic Excellence Team.
Galion High School senior Clair Erlsten was announced as a state winner in the 2015 Governor's Art Show.
Local Clear Fork youth, members of the Mansfield Urban Youth Athletics club, recently competed in two Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Championship events.
COLUMBUS — Last week, the Ohio Senate Education Committee sat down with constituents to discuss an issue that's been long-lasting for school districts, especially this year — testing and teacher evaluations.
On March 5, friends and family gathered at the Clear Fork High School to honor the achievements credited to the members of the 2014-2015 FFA chapter.
For the third year in a row, FCBank is offering $500 scholarships to graduating seniors interested in a business-related career. FCBank is committed to the communities and businesses it serves, and is a proud supporter of the next generation of...
Six Clear Fork Colt wrestlers arrived at Mansfield Senior High School on Friday afternoon on March 6 with one goal in mind, to leave everything on the wrestling mat and to hope that their best would be good enough.
ASHLAND, Ohio— David Stotts of Lexington, Ohio is now a member of the Athletic Training Club; he is majoring in athletic training.
The Clear Fork High School FFA Chapter recently participated in the State Ag Sales contest held at Tolles Tech in Plain City, Ohio.
The cast of the Clear Fork High School's spring musical stage production of Grease is in rehearsal. The entire ensemble of actors gathered on March 9 in the auditorium to go over lines, to practice dance moves and to sing classic hits associated...
ASHLAND, Ohio— Caleb Hupp of Butler, Ohio, is now a member of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) at Ashland University.
Parents concerned over recent headlines related to Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing will be meeting on April 1 from 6 until 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Butler Branch Library,21 West Elm St., in...
The Colts traveled to Bay High School this past weekend to compete in the Northeast DII sectional tournament. Each wrestler who finished in the top four punched their ticket to the district tournament that will be held at Mansfield Senior High School...
The Clear Fork High School baseball sports program will be hosting a pasta dinner fundraiser on March 14 at the High School Cafeteria.
The Butler Parents Club will meet at 7 p.m. in the Butler Elementary School Library.Everyone interested in supporting the school and students are welcome.The group does not meet in the summer.
ASHLAND, Ohio – The Ashland Center for Nonviolence conference titled “Considering the Challenges to Nonviolence Practical and Theoretical” will feature a keynote address by Dr. Robert Brimlow, associate professor of philosophy at St.
Abby Schoonyan and her sister Holli were both recently recognized for their academic successes.
MOUNT VERNON —WNZR 90.9 FM, a broadcast ministry of Mount Vernon Nazarene University, is preparing for Lifeline 2015. This annual fundraising effort gives listeners the opportunity to pledge their support to WNZR. Lifeline 2015 will begin on...
ASHLAND, Ohio— The following students are members of the Jazz Orchestra at Ashland University:
Bellville Elementary recently named fifth grader Emma Boyles the winner of their annual yearbook cover contest.
A Caledonia man who once served as a substitute teacher for Cardington-Lincoln High School from 2008 - 2010 faces felony charges after a complaint was filed with the Cardington Police Department last October.