Consulate Health Care's Country Meadow Care Center hosted a Therapy Reunion Luncheon for past residents who have been discharged from Medow Care. The luncheon also included residents receiving therapy at the care center. The lunch included a...
CIVIL RIGHTS MEETING PLANNED - The Ohio Civil Rights Commission will meet 9:30 a.m. June 4 at the Rhodes State Office Tower, 1st Floor Lobby Hearing Room, 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.
The Richland County Safe Communities Coalition reports that there was one traffic death in Richland County during the month of May. There have been seven traffic-related fatalities so far this year. Last year there were no traffic fatalities in May...
The G.O.O.D. program emphasizes character in the face of adversity. Students who are selected receive a t-shirt with the logo emblazoned on it.
June 4 Meatloaf, macaroni & cheese, broccoliJune 9Pork chops with dressing, garlic veggiesJune 11
To submit calendar notices on behalf of local non-profit organizations for public meetings and events, e-mail to or mail to 107 Main St., Bellville, OH 44813.June 2
TEA PARTY MEETING SET - Mansfield North Central Ohio Tea Party Association's American History Study Club will meet 7-9 p.m. at the Ohio Highway Patrol Post Meeting Room, 2221 South Main Street, Mansfield.
GALION2.48 Rich300 S Market St & Atwood St Galion May 31, 6:44 AM2.69 Circle K105 N East St & Harding Way E Galion May 31, 5:55 PM
A 50-year-old Mount Vernon man was arrested Saturday on charges of Compelling Prostitution after allegedly agreeing to pay for sex with what he thought was an underage girl, who was actually a Knox County Sheriff's Office...
When planning a picnic, my friend Sharon always includes a broccoli salad. I've often thought I need to ask for her recipe, but I'm too busy eating to talk.
Officers from the Knox County Sheriff's Office and Ohio State Highway Patrol wee investigating a possible injury crash that had occurred last week on Knox Lake Road.
The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County and branch libraries will celebrate the 2015 Summer Reading Program from June through mid-July for all ages.
STATE PROVIDES HOUSING ASSISTANCE - Three Ohio organizations have received nearly $1.3 million to provide housing assistance and limited case management services for Ohioans with HIV and AIDS. The funding is from the U.S. Department...
Tim M. Berra, PhD will speak 10:30 a.m. at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Bellville on “Darwin and His Children: His Other Legacy”
Marjorie Snow Carlin of Bellville will turn 90 on June 15. To celebrate the occasion there will be a open house birthday event at the Palmyra Church of Christ Fellowship Hall located at 21184 State Route 13. The gathering is set to take place on June...
INSURANCE FRAUD SENTENCING ANNOUNCED - Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor announced that Vandalia resident Sherri Yarbrough was sentenced in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court on May 12 to five years of supervised probation and ordered...
Life Changing Counseling Center, 223 East Atwood St., opened on May 11 and the Galion-Crestline Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed it to town last week. Owner JaRee Ward said they provide all types of counseling except drug and alcohol counseling. She...
DEADLINE SET FOR VETS HOF NOMINATIONS - Don't miss the chance to honor veterans who have served their communities following military service – the deadline for nominations for the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame Class of 2015...
Members of the former Bellville United Methodist Church held a reunion Sunday at the Chapel Hill United Methodist Church. The reunion was attended by 61 former members and pastors. Three former Pastors were able to attend, Lester Wilson, Mike...
ASHLAND AREA CHORUS BEGINS REHEARSALS - The Ashland Area Chorus, a non-auditioned mixed choir of about 60 singers, has set its 2015 summer session. The rehearsal schedule begins on June 1 and continues for a total of four weeks, with...
GALION2.45 Circle K105 N East St & Harding Way E Galion May 30, 9:51 AM2.45 Moto Mart604 Harding Way E & N Pierce St Galion May 29, 9:38 PM
Richland Public Health is conducting mosquito spraying in Bellville and parts of Jefferson Twp. during the evening of June 1. Parts of Washington Twp. will be covered the following night of June 2. Individuals may request spraying...
Second Grade
It has been one month since residents of the Central Hotel have been relocated, after several inspections pointed out structural concerns. Since then, more analysis has been performed to determine the future of the building.
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