Lexington advances to regionals First Posted: 5:32 am - March 6th, 2016 × Photo Purchase Photos × Photo Purchase Photos Story Tools: QR Favorite Social Media: Tweet The Lexington boys basketball team rolled past Sandusky 74-52 Saturday afternoon in the Galion Division II District Championship game. Lexington will face Ottawa-Glandorf March 10 in the regional semifinals at Bowling Green. http://www.thebellvillestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/web1_2016-03-05_SANDUSKY_LEXINGTON_VBBBALL-6.jpg http://www.thebellvillestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/web1_2016-03-05_SANDUSKY_LEXINGTON_VBBBALL-2.jpg englewoodindependent