DAR members learn about early female aviator

Staff report

Courtesy photo Peg Ballou as ‘Lauretta Schimmoler’ and Regent Joyce Vanatter.

Courtesy photo Peg Ballou as ‘Lauretta Schimmoler’ and Regent Joyce Vanatter.

BELLVILLE — Jared Mansfield Chapter, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolutionmet March1 at the Ohio Genealogical Society in Bellvill

Regent Joyce Vanatter led the Opening Ritual. Pat Jennings, Chaplain gave the opening prayer. Regent Joyce Vanatter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and The American Creed.

Our guest speaker, Peg Ballou from Ballou Skies Aviation, Bucyrus, Ohio presented the ‘History of Lauretta Schimmoler”. Lauretta was an aviator who was the first woman in the United States to establish an airport in the United States, the first woman to command an American Legion post and was the founder of the Aerial Nurse Corps of America, the predecessor of the flight nurses of the United States Air Force. After witnessing the results of a tornado in Ohio in 1930, Schimmoler saw the necessity of evacuating medical patients by air and created what today is recognized as the forerunners of the flight nurse. The U.S. Army Air Forces changed their minds on flight nurses and on 30 November 1942 made an appeal for experienced female registered nurses and airhostesses to be flight nurses in the Army Nurse Corps to be assigned to air evacuation units. In 1944 she at last was commissioned in the Women’s Army Corps. Schimmoler became the first post commander of the American Legion’s Amelia Earnhardt Post 127 of Glendale, California in 1946 that initially contained woman veterans. In 1966 Schimmoler was recognized by the Surgeon General of the United States as the first flight nurse and by the U.S. Air Force who awarded her the gold wings of a flight nurse.

Nancy Kreiger, DAR Schools Chair reminded members in support of the DAR Schools and Wounded Warriors programs, we will continue to collect box tops and cancelled stamps to be sent to these organizations.

Regent Vanatter stated that we would continue support Operation Gratitude; it’s a program for our active military. Many members and friends have knitted & crocheted scarfs over several years, which we will continue to mail to men and women in the service.

Also, the Wreaths Across America program will be ongoing for our chapter. We sponsor wreaths to be placed on graves at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery, Rittman, Ohio. This year’s theme is “Everyone Plays A Part”. Help us by sponsoring a wreath.

Saturday, March 9th at 4 p.m. the chapter will have a grave marking dedication ceremony. We will be honoring our Organizing Regent, Mrs. Agnes Long Creveling by placing a DAR insignia on her monument at the Shenandoah Cemetery.

The Hostess Committee was recognized and thanked. Announcements were made and the meeting was adjourned.

The next Jared Mansfield Chapter, NSDAR meeting will be the 100thAnniversary celebration, to be held at the Westbrook County Club. Reservations are required.

The NSDAR, founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children.

Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible to join. Contact the Chapter Regent Joyce Vanatter at 941-224-4888.

Courtesy photo Peg Ballou as ‘Lauretta Schimmoler’ and Regent Joyce Vanatter.
https://www.thebellvillestar.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/39/2019/03/web1_Peg-Joyce-32019.jpegCourtesy photo Peg Ballou as ‘Lauretta Schimmoler’ and Regent Joyce Vanatter.

Staff report